
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thank You Holly

The always fascinating and impressive Holly's Horrorland has given me The Versatile Blogger award, and in order to accept it I must reveal 7 things about myself before passing this noble and prestigious award on to 15 other bloggers, who I'm guessing will have to continue to uphold the tradition if they want it. (In trying to trace the award back a little I've noticed that others are passing it on to only 7 other bloggers, so I'm not sure which is correct)   
OK here it goes:
1)   My girlfriend thinks I’m smexxxy ;)

2)   Ever since 2008 or so, I’ve stubbornly refused to watch remakes, even the ones that are supposed to be good.  But now that I hold an award as a versatile blogger, that cynicism must end.  LET ME IN here I come!  A remake of SUSPIRIA you say?  Sure, I’ll check it out and I’ll probably like it.

3)   I was bit by the blogging bug after participating in the Vicar of VHS hosted Paul Naschy blogathon as a guest author at the Mad Mad Mad Mad Movies blog.  Anyone interested can check out that write up here => A DRAGONFLY FOR EACH CORPSE .   Thank you Vicar!

4)   I am a phD student at the University of New Mexico

5)   My writing name Giovanni Susina is a loose Italian translation of my real name

6)   I also write for Italian Film review

7)   I think my girlfriend is smexxxy too ;D
The 15 other bloggers I have chosen to pass the award to: (You don't have to accept it if you don't want it, I won't be offended)
1)   Nigel Maskel of The Video Nasty Blog and founder of Italian Film Review (Thank you  so much for your support and for letting me join your awesome staff of writers)
2)  Cinemarchaeologist of The Dig (Thanks for the great comments)
3)  and 4) The Vicar of VHS and The Duke of DVD of Mad Mad Mad Mad Movies (My initial inspiration)
5)   Rich Flannagan of 0.50 Action Express
6)   Rob Talbot of Mondo Euro
7)   James of Behind the Couch
8)   Geof of The Man Cave
9)   William of Nightmare Castle 
10) 42nd Street James of 42nd Street Cinema
11) Scary Larry of Morbidementia
12) Wednesday’s Child of In It for the Kills
14) Ginger Nuts of Ginger Nuts of Horror
15) Jezri of Jezri's Nightmares

And in closing I would like to say that I love and appreciate every one of my followers. 
“I love you….  I love you all”--Jennifer Connelly/PHENOMENA


  1. You are a totally worthy recipient of this prestigious award! And your girlfriend is sooooo lucky! ;)

  2. You're very welcome! And I agree with Amanda.
    Besides being smexxxy, you're quite sweet. :)
    Thanks so much for all the love and support!

    I've been refusing to watch remakes lately too.
    But if you give one a good review, I'll check it out. :)

  3. A richly deserved award my friend. On a film note- I was discussing remakes recently with Rob Talbot- and how while it may seem a good thing to dismiss remakes it closes the door on some delightful B-movies such as The Last Shark and so on. Suspiria I will no doubt watch, and will probably get very anrgy.

  4. Wow, thanks for mentioning me among these awesome blogs!
